Vena and the King of Nothing
Hard Choices Mad Elle and I continue our Burning Wheel series. Vena the Elf ranger is on the run with the young Elven prince she was tasked to kill for the Queen-Regent.
Hard Choices Mad Elle and I continue our Burning Wheel series. Vena the Elf ranger is on the run with the young Elven prince she was tasked to kill for the Queen-Regent.
It’s a Bye Week The One Ring was a Bye Week. Our Fellowship is in Bree to track down Gorlanc the sorcerer dwarf?
Ghosts and Tengu and Owlbears, oh my! Mad Elle and I set off on our Burning Wheel series.
Vena the Elven ranger and the ghost of a murdered Elven King are on the run with an Elven prince toddler.
We’ve started our second chapter of The One Ring. The fellowship is journeying from Rivendell to Bree in search of that bad, bad, sorcerer!
It’s been a couple of weeks and I have lots to cover! We played our first session of Pirates of Drinax using Cortex Prime -it was the BOMB!
Last week I … Ran/Played: From the Lifted Universe R3D. Issue 2 of 3 using Champions Now.