211 - The Young Mandalorian : Runaways
The Young Mandalorian owes Bael the Wookie for his ship and Valeria for his bounty hunting start. He finds himself headed to a shadow port, The Steel, on the edge of Hutt space tracking an AWOL stormtrooper.
Welcome to our first session! We’re playing Fantasy Flight Games: Edge of the Empire with the books: No Disintegrations (Bounty Hunters), Lords of Nal Hutta(Hutts) and Allies and Adversaries (LOADS of baddies)
- Valeria - The Mandalorian mentor
- Bael - The wookie mechanic and ship’s lienholder
- Tara720 (Gank) and IG-3OJ - Enforcers for Bael
- Director Oshoh - The Imperial Client